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[EARIN] How to connect EARIN A-3 to App

[EARIN] How to connect EARIN A-3 to App

Step by Step guide to connecting EARIN A-3 to iOS and Android application.
Connect to iOS
1. Go to phone's Bluetooth setting
2. Case lid open and press button for 2 seconds
3. Select "EARIN A-3" from search result
4. Once EARIN A-3 shows as connected, one more popup to request to connect EARIN A-3
4. Wait till seeing 2 "EARIN A-3" appear / Close a case lid
5. Go to EARIN A-3 application
6. Open a case lid
7. Popup with allow pairing
8. 2 popup will appear to request a pair
9. Connected.
Connect to Android
1. Go to phone's Bluetooth setting
2. Case lid open and press button for 2 seconds
3. Select "EARIN A-3" from search result
4. 2 EARIN A-3 will be appeared and show as connected
5. Go to EARIN A-3 application
6. Open a case lid
7. Connected.
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