This Keychain Can Help You Avoid Touching Dirty or Unhygienic Surfaces
Originally written by Steven John for forbes.com on April 23, 2020.
Viruses differ greatly in size, the smallest being about 20 nanometers in diameter to the largest measuring some 400 nanometers across. For reference, a human hair is about 60,000 nanometers in diameter, so literally billions of viruses could fit on that proverbial head of a pin.
When it comes to things like elevator or ATM buttons, door handles, or so many other surfaces with which you likely have to come into regular contact, the microbes might measure more than you’d care to think about, especially during the days of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Regular use of hand sanitizer and, better yet, hand washing with soap certainly helps. Wearing gloves while you’re out and about is also a great idea to limit your potential exposure to the coronavirus, not to mention to other viruses and bacteria.
This device serves as an extension of your finger and creates a barrier between you and all sorts of surfaces, protecting you from potentially exposing yourself to viruses through touch.
The ZeroTouch Z100 Copper Alloy Multipurpose Tool has a hook that can be used to open doors, drawers and other things that require pulling. Made of 260 brass, it is inherently anti microbial by nature - germs would be unable to grow on the surface of this material.
The bottom portion of the tool can be used to press buttons that require vertical force, such as ATM buttons.
Easily push lift buttons with the tool, avoiding direct skin contact.
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