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Jaybird X3 Review by

Jaybird X3 Review by

Jaybird X3 Review


Did you ever notice that when someone selects a sound system of some kind, whether it be a stereo, high-end music player, a smartphone or practically any other system, they take such great care when selecting their unit, but when it comes to headphones, it’s often a matter of picking what happens to be the most readily available, cheapest, or one of a number of qualifiers. On the other hand, there’s a reason why Jaybird X3 is taking the world by storm.

From the moment you open the case you will probably notice that you are in for a totally different experience from what you are used to. The package the X3 comes in has more stuff in it, but that shouldn’t bother you much since it means that you are getting more. After all, you are. There’s the snazzy little holder that everything fits into. Then there are the ear buds. Next, there are the little wing tips, which although there are six of them they are there to make sure you have something that really does fit you. There is also another little bag that holds the little tips in them, again to ensure that you get a good fit instead of an almost good fit. Another nice touch are the little clips that help you manage and cords and keep them in some semblance of order when you use them. This is a feature that most earphones I have seen don’t have. Consider yourself lucky. Very lucky. Then there’s the charging cradle, which is described in more detail later on. Finally, there’s the user manual, which is nice to have when everything turns to Greek, but fortunately, if you happen to have a built-in, shock-proof sh*t detector, you should be able to handle the intricacies of this unit without help.

Designed For Workouts

Having a nice sound system is practically everyone’s dream. Who says this dream has to end when you go to the gym or head out for your run? The truth is that not only are the Jaybird X3 headphones great for anytime you want to walk out your door, they’re made for it. Jaybird, a world leader when it comes to earphones, has written an entirely new book when it comes to earphones, wherever and however you plan on using them. In fact, you are going to find that the Jaybird X3 is perfect for your use when “living on the edge” is appropriate for how you like to live your life.

The most important thing to say about this is that whatever else you think of this set, it is obviously very well made. It’s basically metal, unlike many others that snap in two anytime you are even half-way rough on them. Unlike most others, however, the X3 is made of metal and that has been coated with plastic, which makes them nice and comfortable to handle as opposed to the way others are made.

Another plus of this type of design is that just like the post office, “whether rain, or sleet, or snow,” or should we add, “sweat,” the X3 will endure. These headphones aren’t so sensitive that they will fizzle out the second they get damp, which for headphones should not be something that is unlikely to happen. After all, many, if not all athletes run or otherwise workout out-or-doors, which will, from time to time, lead them to get wet. Who could expect their headphones to conk out on them when they step out the door, or even sweat, which will happen whether they are out of doors or not. Shouldn’t you expect your body to quit before your headphones do?

Sound Quality

When was the last time you read a product review for ear buds when you found nothing mentioned about the quality of the sound the product delivered? Often? Let’s not make that mistake. After all, when all is said and done, sound quality is what ear phones, of whatever type are all about. Fortunately, the Jaybird folks deliver sound quality in droves when they introduced the X3 model. It doesn’t matter what you are doing and strangely, what’s going on around you, to realize that the sound delivered by the X3 is close to being the best I have ever experienced. This is due to several factors.

First, there’s the equipment itself, an evaluation of which is beyond me, but when all is said and done, it does deliver quality sound. From this point it’s a matter of adding or subtracting anything that has to do with how you use the equipment. This sets the Jaybird X3 on a solid footing from the very beginning.

Next, it’s the quality of the Bluetooth, which for whatever reason stands higher on this model than on previous or other brands. Whether I am jogging down a road or working out in a gym, the Bluetooth does not fluctuate or cut on and off like many do. I have used these ear buds sitting still in my office and while running down a mountainous trail, and I still got the same quality reception, regardless. This is not the report that I received from others, but I guess it’s a matter of to each his or her own. Their experiences might be different with this brand, but mine was quite good.

For better or for worse, there isn’t much of a standard when it comes to headphone sound quality. There is the issue of what sounds best to any given person, but since everybody has had the experience of using the free set that comes with their equipment, we will use those for a comparison. That being the case, the X3 sounds head and shoulders above the rest. This is true whether you are talking about the freebie specials or other models that you buy off the rack. Naturally, you would think that the models you buy for their own sake are of a better and higher quality, and they can be, but often are not, or the difference is not noticeable.

The X3, on the other hand, is. Be clear that I am not an audiophile, a sound engineer, or anything even remotely similar, but I will give you my honest opinion, and that comes down to whether I would buy these or not. Fortunately, in the case of the X3, compared to so many others I have used, I certainly would. The method that I use to judge is self made, which boils down to how distinct the different sound levels are, whether there are clearly delineated lows, mediums, and highs in the sounds. Fortunate for you, I like different types of music, and I am happy to report that regardless of whether I am listening to Jimi Hendrix or William Tell, the sound quality is excellent. In fact, I was very surprised that my different tastes in music was actually facilitated by the X3 ear phones. I really do enjoy music of practically all stripes, and the X3 earphones made everything I listened to sound better than it ever has.

Simply speaking, the sound quality is excellent, and when you throw into the equation all of the other pluses and attributes of the X3, they are simply a great project, whether you are paying $130 for them or not.

Fit and Comfort

At first glance, the Jaybird X3 might not seem very different to those who check it out, but just as is the case with nearly any sound product, it’s the sound that is most important, but there are other elements as well.

For example, although sound is very important, when you are running or working out in the gym there are a lot of things that can take center stage with earphones. How they fit and interact with what you are doing is another important factor. Have you ever tried to use headphones or ear buds that were clearly too big and/or too heavy , and the first time you starting doing a squat or hitting the track, they flew in the opposite direction? It’s not an uncommon problem.

This is due mainly to the style and shape of the earpieces. And, believe me, I have had my experience with ill-fitting earpieces. If you have had earpieces that caused your ear to hurt and be sore after even a short time of wearing them, you know what to look out for. I happen to like the way Jaybird’s earpieces fit, especially with the X3, which require that you simply put them in your ear and turn the little wings until they fit comfortably. My only comment is that you learn what fit is best for you so that you can recognize it when you first put it on. Believe it or not, the X3’s earpieces are so comfortable that you can put them in and decide right off the bat that they are comfortable, then they become sore after a while and you need to readjust them. If you are like me, it’s a matter of trial and error before you find your perfect fit, but once you do, are in for comfort that is unlike anything else you will ever try.

Especially if you are experienced using other models, you will almost instantly notice the difference with the angle the earbuds are at. At first you might think that this is just some difference they made up with the design. Whether it is or not is unknown to me, but regardless of the reason for it, fear not. It seems to be an effort to have the buds fit better in your ear. Whether you believe that or not, and whether that really is the case is a matter of opinion. Either way, it shouldn’t bother you much. If It does, you don’t have enough problems in your life.

Battery Life

Another matter for the trial and error department is the charging clip. Don’t get me wrong. The Jaybird X3’s recharging method is not the best but works well enough. On certain occasions, it does take some getting used to determine that it really is connected when you connect the charging clip to the unit. Otherwise, you will think you have connected the unit to get a charge when you have not.

Battery life is another factor that has been improved significantly with the X3 model. This one left me a bit confused, however, something that needs to be clarified by the company, which advertises that the battery has an eight hour life. Unfortunately, that might be the way they advertise, but it does not. On the bright side, it does have a strong four hour life. Not only that, but you can also connect it with the clip, which in effect adds the life of the battery pack.


The Jaybird X3 is a great pair of wireless headphones for casual listeners and sports enthusiasts alike. They're small, comfortable and extremely well built. With double hydrophobic nano coating and redesigned super-tight seams we’ve got you covered in the rain, mud, sun, sweat and tears – these buds will take a beating, and go wherever you go. In terms of battery life, the legendary X-Series battery life continues, and gets better. Now you get a solid 8 hours plus for a full week of workouts on a single charge. Only 20 min of quick charge gets you a full hour of playtime.

Soundstage is excellent, and for audiophiles, no more complaints of too much or not enough bass. You can customize the way your X3’s sound and save those custom sound profiles to your buds, no matter what music device they’re paired with or what music service you use. It’s your playlist – you’re now in control. At this time of review, the Jaybird X3's are priced at $215, which makes it an absolute no brainer device to own in considering the features, build and sound quality that's coming from such a small package.

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