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Which Backbone One Model Is Best For Me?

Which Backbone One Model Is Best For Me?

So you’ve been thinking of getting yourself a Backbone One but you’re overwhelmed by the options? Fear not, let’s figure this out together.

Before we begin, perhaps, it would be a good idea to familiarise ourselves with the device in question. “What might one do with a Backbone One?” A great question with an even better answer. Well, according to PCMag, the device is a “snap-on controller you attach to most Android phones or iPhones that adds a modern gamepad's physical buttons.” Very cool.

The appearance of this device is similar to that of a regular gaming controller. Picture the controller of a PlayStation or even an Xbox. Do you see it? The signature D-pad and the all-too-familiar toggle sticks. Now, take that image and combine it with the image of your smartphone. Allow that picture to materialise in your mind. Now that’s a Backbone One.

Backbone One [Original]
Backbone One [Original]

This snap-on controller also seems to be amongst one of the top leading brands in its industry. According to the official Backbone website, the device is “The lowest-latency gamepad to ever work with a mobile phone.” In layman’s terms, the Backbone One is a mobile gaming controller that produces the least lag in the world of mobile gaming controllers. If you’re familiar with games like Genshin Impact, Call of Duty, or any AAA games such as Horizon, know that you might have just found your perfect mobile gaming device!

Following the release of the 1st generation Backbone One, the 2nd generation quickly joined its ranks as of its release not long after. Both Gen 1 and Gen 2 Backbones offer a special PlayStation edition. Instead of the classic, black of the Original Backbone, the PlayStation edition provides a sleek and simple black and white design inspired by the look and feel of their very own PS DualSense controller. Most importantly, the PlayStation edition offers its users with exclusive PS remote playing features, those of which, are absent in the original version of the device. This allows you to stream and play both your PS4 and PS5 games as well as navigate through your very own PlayStation gaming console. Just plug in and play!Backbone One [PlayStation Edition]

Backbone One [PlayStation Edition]

With all these different variations of the Backbone One, a little confusion is most definitely warranted when it comes to which model is most suitable for you. Allow me to cast any uncertainty away with a short and simple guide for which Backbone One fits you best. 


Generation 1


If you’re a proud owner of an Android mobile device, this model might just be the right fit for you. Built with a USB-C port and connection, your phone will feel right at home. Like all other backbone versions, the Gen 1 USB-C model is equipped with a 3.5m headphone jack and responsive analogue triggers as well as clickable thumbsticks for a smooth gaming experience. 

Do beware, however, that this version of the device does not accommodate Android phone cases. Apart from that, to users of the iPhone 15 [and any newer models], although this version of the Backbone uses the type-c connection, it, unfortunately, isn't compatible with any Apple mobile devices. Fret not! Keep reading and discover that the Backbone One does not disappoint.


If you are a user of the iPhone 14 or any older models, the Gen 1 Lightning model would most definitely fit you like a glove. Unlike the USB-C model, the lightning model is fitted with Apple’s brand-specific lightning port and connection. Just snap your iPhone in and play any iOS game or service that supports controllers. Although, like the USB-C version, this lightning model too doesn't allow for the presence of an iPhone case whilst utilizing the Backbone.

Generation 2


The latest Backbone One model is the Gen 2 USB-C Backbone. “How does this differ from the first generation?” Well, take your knowledge of both Backbone models from Generation 1 then combine them, and you'll have yourself a Backbone One, Generation 2. This generation allows both Apple and Android users to reap its benefits in just a singular model. No need for variations here. Users of the iPhone 15 and anything newer, including users of most Android devices, are now able to use the same Backbone. If you think that it couldn't possibly get any better, then you couldn't be more wrong. 

Another plus point of this version is that, unlike its first-generation counterpart, this model is case-compatible. Yay to never having to remove your phone case ever again! Just in case I hadn’t made it clear, this generation offers enhanced versatility and convenience, befitting its status as an upgraded version of the original.

Final Verdict

Choose the Gen 1 [USB-C], if you’re:

  • Exclusively an Android user
  • Are on a budget and just want the standard Backbone gameplay experience
  • Someone who knows what they want
  • A lover of simplicity

Choose the Gen 1 [Lightning], if you’re:

  • An owner of the iPhone 14 or any older models
  • Are on a budget and just want the standard Backbone gameplay experience
  • Someone who knows what they want
  • A lover of simplicity

Choose the Gen 2 [USB-C], if you’re:

  • A mobile phone case lover
  • The owner of an iPhone 15 and any newer models
  • A fiend for versatility and maximum functionality
  • Someone who loves sharing
  • Someone who isn't constricted by a budget

Here's a side-by-side specification comparison:

All in all, whether you get a Gen 1 or Gen 2 Backbone One, you'll be having a premium mobile gaming experience either way. Perhaps now, it’s time for you to get your very own Backbone, and if you require any convincing you should know that we are running a special promotion on Gen 1 Backbones at our online store now! Sign me up!

So what are you waiting for? It's game time!


Author: Nazera Latif

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