SALE: Up to $200 off on Therabody, RingConn, Coolify and Backbone
SALE: Up to $200 off on Therabody, RingConn, Coolify and Backbone

Contact Us

How can we help?

We're here to help and answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you 😊 

By appointment only

Leader Radio Technologies Pte Ltd.
601 MacPherson Road, #08-03 Grantral Complex, S 368242

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 6pm (Lunch break : 1-2pm)
(Closed on Sat & Sun and Public Holidays)

Email: support@leaderradio.com.sg

Call: (+65) 6538-2972


There will be no more on-site warranty service from 1st June 2021.
Please submit your warranty claims to the Jaybird site via link here