Coolify Cyber: What's new compared to Coolify 3
Do I sense the presence of a new COOLiFY in the world of wearable air conditioners? Ah, I guess my senses have yet to deceive me…
Let us all, collectively, as enthusiasts of comfort, raise our hands for a round of applause to welcome, one of the biggest proponents of comfort and quiet luxury, the new Torras COOLiFY Cyber. *Queue the standing ovation and thundering claps*

Maybe you’re thinking “Hey I just got myself a COOLiFY 3 not too long ago, and this looks pretty similar, how is this any different?” Well, considering the Cyber, like the 3, is a flagship product, similar to all new products from the same line, the COOLiFY Cyber is an upgrade from the COOLiFY 3.
Yup, you heard me right, upgrade. So, let’s catch up with the latest news on this new and improved COOLiFY and how it's different from its predecessor.
Perhaps we should start with something light to get our minds warmed up before going heavy on the technical stuff.
COOLiFY Cyber VS COOLiFY 3 Display:

In case you are new to the Torras COOLiFY, their flagship always comes with 2 external digital displays.
As is evident in the 2 images above, both COOLiFYs, though somewhat similar in appearance, have very different displays. Yes, the designs are different, however, that isn't what we’re here to discuss.
You see, the COOLiFY 3 uses LED indicators to relay information. This means that it provides simple visual indicators such as icons and a limited amount of words. The COOLiFY Cyber, however, displays information digitally, which provides users with more detailed feedback.
Cooling Area & Efficiency
“How cold could the COOLiFY cool?” Wise words by yours truly. Let’s find out.
Instant Cooldown
“What is Instant Cooldown?” Where the COOLiFY is concerned, Instant Cooldown refers to an immediate reduction of temperature caused by a device such as the COOLiFY.
For users of the Coolify 3, it is a known fact that the device has an extraordinary instant cooldown rate of 2.7 °C. This means, if a part of your body was 36.5 °C before using the COOLiFY 3, according to its instant cooldown rate, once the device is in use, the temperature of that same part of your body would decrease by 2.7 °C. Brrrr, I could feel the chill from all the way across this screen.
Now, hold on to your coats and mittens because, check this, the Coolify Cyber has a bone-chilling instant cooldown rate of 10°C. You definitely read that right, an increase of an impressive 7.3°C. I know, remarkable, isn’t it?
Like the COOLiFY 3, the Cyber is no stranger to rapid cooling.
Cooling Area
In case you’re wondering, the term “Cooling Area” refers to the specific amount of space the COOLiFY targets and blows cold or warm air to. A wider cooling area would mean you’ll be able to feel the cold or warmth around more areas of your body.
The cooling area of the Cyber has increased by a whopping 530 mm² from the 3 which has a cooling area of 144445mm² amounting the Cyber’s cooling to a total of 14957mm². I can see how this might be confusing, so, let’s visualise it together.
With the COOLiFY 3, we had a spread of air within the size of a small movie poster blowing at us. Now, with the Coolify Cyber, the spread is within the perimeter of an A2-sized paper blowing down our backs and shoulders, and up our faces.
Imagine this, you’re beading sweat all over yourself on one of those “heat wave” type days. Your clothes sticking to your skin, your hair all over your face. It's suffocating, you feel suffocated.
Now, imagine you whip out your COOLiFY Cyber, hook it around your neck and turn it on. Instantly, your hair blows away in dry whisps and your clothes rest around your shoulders flowing around your torso as if it wasn't stuck to you like glue on paper just a second ago. You no longer feel trapped in an oven of extreme weather. You feel like air, personified.
Doesn't that sound glorious?
Air Flow

When it comes to Airflow, the COOLiFY 3 has a pretty solid structure. With a total of 7 exhaust vents, the device uses a multi-directional airflow system which allows for the simultaneous cooling or heating of multiple areas of the device’s targeted regions around the body.
Alright, now on to the Cyber, this is about to get a little technical here, so stay with me while I nerd out.
The Coolify Cyber has been equipped with patented dual exhaust vents, the upper 6 and lower 2 airways [which totals to 8 vents], form a convection system that creates a 3D full-body cold air surround. This means that air is being circulated around the body, hence, mainly preventing the accumulation of perspiration on a user’s back. Gone are the days of embarrassing back sweat.
While Coolify 3’s muti-directional airflow system was aimed at simulating a 3D airflow system, it was a mere attempt as compared to the Cyber’s flawless execution. Don’t get me wrong the COOLiFY 3 is still impressive in its own right, but what can beat a 3D full-body airflow system?
Here's a side-by-side COOLiFY Cyber & 3 Comparison:

So, what do you think? Are you a newly minted COOLiFY Cyber lover or does the COOLiFY 3 still have you wrapped around its fingers? If you relate to the former, click here to get yourself an early Christmas gift.
Once again, warmest welcome to the cooooolest device around. Pun intended.
Author: Nazera Latif